The Blag

Logic, Computer Graphics, OCaml, Rust, etc.

12 Mar 14

Universal Serialization and Deserialization

TL;DR: combinators and GADTs allow to describe types in abstract enough a way that they can be converted into/from various serialization formats.

Edit: the code is now available in its own repository on github, and on my opam repository under the name CConv. Optional interfaces to Yojson, Sexplib and Bencode are also provided.

The problem

For most IO-related tasks, e.g. networking or saving some state to the disk to work on it later, programs need some form of serialization (and the converse operation, deserialization).

OCaml doesn't provide any reflection (introspecting values and their types at runtime to decide what to do). During the compilation, types are effectively erased and at runtime there is no difference between a tuple (int, int) and a record {x:int; y:int} for instance. Therefore, reflection-based serialization is impossible in OCaml (and would probably be considered unsafe, anyway)

This leaves OCaml programmers with the following options:

  • writing serialization/deserialization code by hand. This is painful.
  • generating serialization/deserialization code from a type, with a code generator such as camlp4 or deriving. This is the most popular approach right now (see how JaneStree's Core library uses something called type_conv to generate conversions functions from/to S-expressions) but it complicates the compiling process and doesn't work for types defined in foreign (third-party) code.
  • generating code from a specification. Some libraries do take this way, for instance Atdgen or piqi. It can be especially nice if you share the specification between several languages (see Apache thrift which supports OCaml, among many other languages). This doesn't work for types that are defined in a pre-existing OCaml module (as are most types in a library).
  • using combinators to compose together small serialization (resp. deserialization) functions into bigger ones, that can serialize (resp. deserialize) more complicated types.

In this post I'll explore the last approach, based on combinators. The reason is that I dislike code generation, and I want something decoupled from the actual serialization format (i.e., that can be used with a format I didn't specifically think of). Of course this last requirement has limits, some assumptions about the serialization format are needed. Moreover, in a library like Batteries Included, choosing a code generator -- and therefore a (set of) serialization format --is arbitrary, blocks extensibility, and forces the designers's choices on the user.

The combinators I'm talking about are implemented in a module Conv ( They can be seen as (partial) descriptions of a type; for instance a 'a Conv.Sink.t is a value that describes how to build instances of the type 'a from any serialization format (it can fail, of course, for instance if you provide a list where an integer is expected). So far this technique works for me, on some small tests, and doesn't require code generation at all [1]. It can be a bit more cumbersome to use because you have to explicitely combine the combinators(!). I don't know of any equivalent so far, although some people already use combinators for printing functions [2] (which is a kind of serialization).

Gory Details

The module Conv contains four main concepts that go pairwise. The first two concepts, universal sinks and sources, are used for serialization, and the concepts universal sources and sinks are used for de-serialization. If you're bored with the details jump to the conclusion_.

Universal Sinks

A 'a Conv.UniversalSink.t is a builder for the serialization type 'a. The type 'a must be buildable from basic values (strings, integers, booleans) and composite structures such as sum types, records and lists.

I implemented a few examples of such universal sinks in the Conv module, to JSON, B-encode and Sexplib.Sexp.t (a popular S-expressions library). The implementation for the JSON sink is the following:

module Json = struct
  type t = [
    | `Int of int
    | `Float of float
    | `Bool of bool
    | `Null
    | `String of string
    | `List of t list
    | `Assoc of (string * t) list

  let sink : t UniversalSink.t =
    let open UniversalSink in
    { unit_ = `Null;
      bool_ = (fun b -> `Bool b);
      float_ = (fun f -> `Float f);
      int_ = (fun i -> `Int i);
      string_ = (fun s -> `String s);
      list_ = (fun l -> `List l);
      record = (fun l -> `Assoc l);
      tuple = (fun l -> `List l);
      sum = (fun name l -> match l with
        | [] -> `String name
        | _::_ -> `List (`String name :: l));


Here we first define a Json.t type (compatible with Yojson) and then a universal sink for this json type. To do this we provide a bunch of functions (wrapped in a structure) that respectively detail how to convert a value of type unit, of type int, of type string, etc. into JSON. It also details how to encode lists of JSON values into JSON, records (we use JSON objects, and so on).

A second example is S-expressions.

module Sexp = struct
  type t =
    | Atom of string
    | List of t list

  let sink =
    let open UniversalSink in
    { unit_ = List [];
      bool_ = (fun b -> Atom (string_of_bool b));
      float_ = (fun f -> Atom (string_of_float f));
      int_ = (fun i -> Atom (string_of_int i));
      string_ = (fun s -> Atom (String.escaped s));
      list_ = (fun l -> List l);
      record = (fun l -> List ( (fun (a,b) -> List [Atom a; b]) l));
      tuple = (fun l -> List l);
      sum = (fun name l -> match l with
        | [] -> Atom name
        | _::_ -> List (Atom name :: l));

The type Sexp.t is the same as Sexplib.Sexp.t (which would be used instead in a real setting). We provide the same set of projections to Sexp.t but have to make different choices at some places: for instance, to encode a record, there is no primitive way of doing this so instead we use lists of pairs of strings and values. An OCaml record {x=42; y="foo"} will therefore be encoded into the S-expression (("x" "42") ("y" "foo")). Same goes for sums.


A 'a Conv.Source.t is basically a function 'b. 'b Conv.UniversalSink.t -> 'a -> 'b. It means that a 'a source can take any universal sink (encoding to the serialization format 'b), any value of type 'a, and encode the latter into 'b. If the universal sink describes how to build JSON, then you effectively can translate values of type 'a into JSON; if the sink describes how to build S-expressions you can use the same source to convert 'a into S-expressions.

Let us detail the two examples provided in Conv: the option type, a record ("point") and a recursive algebraic type ("lambda", a basic lambda-calculus term).

let opt src = Source.(
    | Some x -> "some", hcons src x hnil
    | None -> "none", hnil)

module Point = struct
  type t = {
    x : int;
    y : int;
    color : string;
    prev : t option; (* position at previous time step *)

  let source =
      (fun self ->
        field "x" (fun p -> p.x) int_ @@
        field "y" (fun p -> p.y) int_ @@
        field "color" (fun p -> p.color) string_ @@
        field "prev" (fun p -> p.prev) (opt self) @@

module Lambda = struct
  type t =
    | Var of string
    | App of t * t
    | Lambda of string * t

  let source = Source.(sum_fix
    (fun self t -> match t with
        | Var s -> "var", hcons string_ s @@ hnil
        | App (t1, t2) -> "app", hcons self t1 @@ hcons self t2 @@ hnil
        | Lambda (s, t) -> "lam", hcons string_ s @@ hcons self t @@ hnil

Here we use the combinators from Conv.Source to build descriptions of points and lambda-terms. Note the record_fix and sum_fix that are used to build recursive types (respectively recursive records and recursive sums). GADTs [3] are used to build heterogeneous lists of sub-values that are to be converted too.

The combinators for records and sums respectively require to provide a (heterogeneous) list of record fields with their names and accessor functions, and a projection function that maps sum constructors to strings and a list of arguments.


Now, say we want to de-serialize some JSON object (or S-expression) into a OCaml value. Black magic notwithstanding, we clearly need some description of the type we expect (for instance "list of pairs of integer and string"). Such a description will be called a sink. In practice a sink for an expected type 'a is a value of type 'a Conv.Sink.t, implemented as a nice GADT seen in the following code listing. To build records, tuples or sums we need heterogeneous lists (the hlist and record_sink types).

module Sink = struct
  type 'a t =
    | Unit : unit t
    | Bool : bool t
    | Float : float t
    | Int : int t
    | String : string t
    | List : (('b t -> 'b list) -> 'a) -> 'a t
    | Record : 'a record_sink -> 'a t
    | Tuple : 'a hlist -> 'a t
    | Sum : (string -> 'a hlist) -> 'a t
    | Map : 'a t * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
    | Fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t

  and 'r record_sink =
    | RecordField : string * 'a t * ('a -> 'r record_sink) -> 'r record_sink
    | RecordStop : 'r -> 'r record_sink

  and 't hlist =
    | HCons : 'a t * ('a -> 't hlist) -> 't hlist
    | HNil : 't -> 't hlist

and again our option, point and lambda examples:

let opt sink = Sink.(
  sum (function
      | "some" -> sink |+| fun x -> yield (Some x)
      | "none" -> yield None
      | _ -> __error "unexpected variant %s" name)

module Point = struct
  type t = {
    x : int;
    y : int;
    color : string;
    prev : t option; (* position at previous time step *)

  let sink =
      (fun self ->
        field "x" int_ @@ fun x ->
        field "y" int_ @@ fun y ->
        field "color" string_ @@ fun color ->
        field "prev" (opt self) @@ fun prev ->
        yield_record {x;y;color;prev}

module Lambda = struct
  type t =
    | Var of string
    | App of t * t
    | Lambda of string * t

  let sink = Sink.(sum_fix
    (fun self str -> match str with
      | "var" -> string_ |+| fun s -> yield (Var s)
      | "app" -> self |+| fun t1 -> self |+| fun t2 -> yield (App (t1, t2))
      | "lam" -> string_ |+| fun s -> self |+| fun t -> yield (Lambda (s, t))
      | _ -> __error "expected lambda term"

Note: |+| is an infix constructor for hlist and we again provide fixpoint combinators record_fix and sum_fix. In OCaml >= 4.01.0, the operator @@ just applies its left argument to its right one, but is right-binding, so that f @@ g @@ x means f (g x).

In the opt combinator, we see that given a sum starting with "some" we require one value (whose structure is described by the argument sink) and provide a continuation fun x -> yield (Some x). If the sum had one argument and we could de-serialize it using sink, the de-serialized value is passed to the continuation that simply wraps it into a Some constructor. We also note that if the opt combinator is given a sum starting with an unknown name (neither "none" nor "some" an exception is raised).

We don't have to follow the exact structure of a type when describing how to serialize or deserialize it. We have the freedom to ignore some fields of a record, or even to map (using : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a sink -> 'b sink, and the Source equivalent : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b source -> 'a source). Mapping can be very useful if we want to serialize sets or arrays as if they were just lists (rather than balanced trees or other private, specific structure).

Universal Sources

As a dual to universal sinks, some serialization formats are actually designed to be read back to proper data structures. In order to do this we need a way to read the structure of a JSON value (or any other serialization format); here come universal sources. Such a universal source is a function that recursively traverses the serialized value, and the sink (See the section about sinks_) that describes which type we expect.

Again, let's read the universal sources for Json.t and Sexplib.Sexp.t. Here the attentive reader may notice that during the traversal of JSON values (or S-expressions), the universal source sometimes needs to peek at what is expected by the Sink.t. In particular, if the value at hand is a S-expression atom (a string), we need to discriminate:

  • if the sink requires a string, it's direct;
  • if the sink requires a sum, then it must be a sum with no arguments;
  • if the sink requires an int, we try to read an integer from the string (built-in combinators already do that).

Similarly, when a list of S-expressions starting with a string is met, we need to peek at the expected structure to choose between yielding a list or yielding a sum (whose constructor is the first string).

module Json = struct
  type t = [
    | `Int of int
    | `Float of float
    | `Bool of bool
    | `Null
    | `String of string
    | `List of t list
    | `Assoc of (string * t) list

  let source =
    let module U = UniversalSource in
    (* recursively traverse the JSON, mapping it to the given 'b Sink.t *)
    let rec visit : type b. b Sink.t -> t -> b =
    fun sink x -> match x with
      | `Int i -> U.int_ sink i
      | `Float f -> U.float_ sink f
      | `Bool b -> U.bool_ sink b
      | `Null -> U.unit_ sink
      | `String s ->
          begin match Sink.expected sink with
          | Sink.ExpectSum -> U.sum ~src sink s []
          | _ -> U.string_ sink s
      | `List ((`String name :: l) as l') ->
          begin match Sink.expected sink with
          | Sink.ExpectSum -> U.sum ~src sink name l
          | _ -> U.list_ ~src sink l'
      | `List l -> U.list_ ~src sink l
      | `Assoc l -> U.record ~src sink l
    and src = { U.visit=visit; } in
module Sexp = struct
  type t =
    | Atom of string
    | List of t list

  let source =
    let module U = UniversalSource in
    let rec visit : type b. b Sink.t -> t -> b =
    fun sink x -> match x, Sink.expected sink with
      | Atom s, Sink.ExpectSum -> U.sum ~src sink s []
      | List (Atom name :: l), Sink.ExpectSum -> U.sum ~src sink name l
      | List l, Sink.ExpectRecord ->
          let l' = (function
            | List [Atom name; x] -> name, x
            | _ -> __error "get List, but expected Record") l
          in U.record ~src sink l'
      | Atom s, _ -> U.string_ sink s
      | List [], Sink.ExpectUnit -> U.unit_ sink
      | List l, _ -> U.list_ ~src sink l
    and src = { U.visit=visit; } in


The module Conv defines combinators to describe how to:

  • inject values into a serialization format (using UniversalSink.t);
  • convert values of a type 'a into any 'b UniversalSink.t to eventually get a value of type 'b that can be sent on the network or written on the disk;
  • build values of a user type 'a from some universal source, following a blueprint 'a Sink.t;
  • traverse serialized values of type 'b (in parallel with the traversal of a 'a Sink.t value) following a 'b UniversalSource.t, to eventually obtain a de-serialized value of type 'a... Or an exception.


[1] Descriptions of types could still be generated automatically, it's an orthogonal problem. The point is that it's not required.

[2] In Batteries Included every module that has a type t defines a value val print : t printer; polymorphic types define combinators such as val print : 'a printer -> 'a t printer, etc.

[3] Since OCaml >= 4.00.0. A really nice feature of the type system.