Representing Lazy Values
A quick survey of Lazy in OCaml
I remember having heard that Jane Street had its own implementation of Lazy
values, and that it was faster than the standard one. So I played a bit with several ways of managing lazy values in OCaml.
Definition of Lazy implementations
First we need to define what a lazy value is:
module type LAZY = sig
type 'a t
val from_val : 'a -> 'a t
val from_fun : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
val force : 'a t -> 'a
We deliberately ignore the lazy
keyword because there is no way for regular OCaml code to change its behavior. Instead, lazy thunks are created directly from a value, or from a function (the delayed computation). Our specification implicitly requires that calling several times force
on from_fun f
only calls f ()
once, and caches its value; however, for performance comparison, we will also use the non-caching behavior.
Without further ado, here are the alternatives I could come up with (please bear with the naming, I know it's awful):
A function wrapped in a record (a bit like the STG machine used by GHC -- FLazy
would stand for function-based lazy
), that replaces itself upon evaluation by a function that returns the value directly.
module FLazy = struct
type 'a t = {
mutable flazy : unit -> 'a;
let from_val x = { flazy = (fun () -> x) }
let from_fun f =
let rec thunk = {
flazy = (fun () -> let x = f() in thunk.flazy <- (fun () -> x); x)
} in
let force l = l.flazy()
An algebraic type wrapped in a reference ("Alternative Lazy" or "Algebraic Lazy"). It simply stores either the value, or the function to evaluate.
module ALazy = struct
type 'a t = 'a alazy_cell ref
and 'a alazy_cell =
| Thunk of (unit -> 'a)
| Res of 'a
let from_val x = ref (Res x)
let from_fun f = ref (Thunk f)
let force t =
match !t with
| Res x -> x
| Thunk f ->
let x = f () in
t := Res x;
A variation on the FLazy implementation_ in which part of the closure is directly inlined in the record type. The principal issue with this implementation is that it uses Obj
(which is, as *@gasche* would say, "not part of OCaml").
module F2Lazy = struct
type 'a t = {
mutable call : 'a t -> 'a;
mutable x : 'a;
let _read thunk = thunk.x
let _eval f thunk =
let x = f () in
thunk.x <- x; <- _read;
let from_val x = { call=_read; x; }
let from_fun f = { call=_eval f; x=Obj.magic 0; }
let force t = t
This is the part where I cheat. For lazy lists with very few computations per node, but infinite extension, or when lazy values are used in a linear way (i.e. evaluated at most once) this implementation is excellent. However it doesn't satisfy our requirement that the suspended computation is evaluated at most once.
This module is the simplest, because a lazy value is, well, only a function that is called upon force
module NoLazy = struct
type 'a t = unit -> 'a
let from_val x () = x
let from_fun f = f
let force f = f ()
Benchmarking Implementations
To compare the performance of those implementations, we compute sums on lazy lists. I will use the benchmark library. Of course the reference is the standard OCaml Lazy module, which is built in the compiler (and the GC).
module Make(L : LAZY) = struct
type 'a llist =
| Nil
| Cons of 'a * 'a llist L.t
(* the list 0...n *)
let range n =
let rec make i =
if i = n then Nil
else Cons (i, L.from_fun (fun () -> make (i+1)))
in make 0
(* sum of elements of the given lazy list *)
let sum l =
let rec sum acc l = match l with
| Nil -> acc
| Cons (x, l') -> sum (x+acc) (L.force l')
in sum 0 l
(* benchmark for n: make a list of [len+1] elements and sum it [n] times *)
let bench n len =
let l = range len in
for i = 1 to n do ignore (sum l) done
module BenchLazy = Make(Lazy)
module BenchFLazy = Make(FLazy)
module BenchALazy = Make(ALazy)
module BenchF2Lazy = Make(F2Lazy)
module BenchNoLazy = Make(NoLazy)
let () =
(fun i ->
Printf.printf "\n\nevaluate %d times...\n\n" i;
let entry name f = name, f i, 100_000 in
let res = Benchmark.throughputN 3
[ entry "lazy" BenchLazy.bench
; entry "flazy" BenchFLazy.bench
; entry "alazy" BenchALazy.bench
; entry "f2lazy" BenchF2Lazy.bench
; entry "nolazy" BenchNoLazy.bench
Benchmark.tabulate res;
) [1; 2; 5];
and the results (on an Intel i5 @ 3.4GHz):
evaluate 1 times...
Throughputs for "lazy", "flazy", "alazy", "f2lazy", "nolazy" each running for at least 3 CPU seconds:
lazy: 3.27 WALL ( 3.24 usr + 0.03 sys = 3.27 CPU) @ 120.07/s (n=393)
flazy: 3.53 WALL ( 3.52 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.53 CPU) @ 49.58/s (n=175)
alazy: 3.27 WALL ( 3.27 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.27 CPU) @ 83.23/s (n=272)
f2lazy: 3.29 WALL ( 3.29 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.29 CPU) @ 80.17/s (n=264)
nolazy: 3.18 WALL ( 3.18 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.18 CPU) @ 1659.84/s (n=5270)
Rate flazy_1 f2lazy_1 alazy_1 lazy_1 nolazy_1
flazy 49.6/s -- -38% -40% -59% -97%
f2lazy 80.2/s 62% -- -4% -33% -95%
alazy 83.2/s 68% 4% -- -31% -95%
lazy 120/s 142% 50% 44% -- -93%
nolazy 1660/s 3248% 1970% 1894% 1282% --
evaluate 2 times...
Throughputs for "lazy", "flazy", "alazy", "f2lazy", "nolazy" each running for at least 3 CPU seconds:
lazy: 3.30 WALL ( 3.30 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.30 CPU) @ 116.81/s (n=385)
flazy: 3.13 WALL ( 3.12 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.13 CPU) @ 47.28/s (n=148)
alazy: 3.12 WALL ( 3.12 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.12 CPU) @ 78.13/s (n=244)
f2lazy: 3.29 WALL ( 3.29 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.29 CPU) @ 77.79/s (n=256)
nolazy: 3.17 WALL ( 3.17 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.17 CPU) @ 830.70/s (n=2630)
Rate flazy_2 f2lazy_2 alazy_2 lazy_2 nolazy_2
flazy 47.3/s -- -39% -39% -60% -94%
f2lazy 77.8/s 65% -- -0% -33% -91%
alazy 78.1/s 65% 0% -- -33% -91%
lazy 117/s 147% 50% 50% -- -86%
nolazy 831/s 1657% 968% 963% 611% --
evaluate 5 times...
Throughputs for "lazy", "flazy", "alazy", "f2lazy", "nolazy" each running for at least 3 CPU seconds:
lazy: 3.20 WALL ( 3.20 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.20 CPU) @ 107.15/s (n=343)
flazy: 3.18 WALL ( 3.17 usr + 0.01 sys = 3.18 CPU) @ 43.07/s (n=137)
alazy: 3.10 WALL ( 3.10 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.10 CPU) @ 70.37/s (n=218)
f2lazy: 3.23 WALL ( 3.23 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.23 CPU) @ 70.21/s (n=227)
nolazy: 3.17 WALL ( 3.17 usr + 0.00 sys = 3.17 CPU) @ 333.54/s (n=1056)
Rate flazy_5 f2lazy_5 alazy_5 lazy_5 nolazy_5
flazy 43.1/s -- -39% -39% -60% -87%
f2lazy 70.2/s 63% -- -0% -34% -79%
alazy 70.4/s 63% 0% -- -34% -79%
lazy 107/s 149% 53% 52% -- -68%
nolazy 334/s 674% 375% 374% 211% --
It clearly appears on all three cases (evaluating once, 2 times or 5 times the sum of the elements of the list [0, 1, ..., 100_000]
) that NoLazy
is far ahead, 7.7 times faster than Lazy
which is itself 1.5 times faster than ALazy
and F2Lazy
. FLazy
lags far behind (probably because it allocates several closures and triggers several write barriers).
Conclusion: well, the standard lazy is by far the best implementation that respects our specification (evaluation of the delayed computation at most once). On the other hand, if a lazy value is to be forced at most once, the just using a closure is much more efficient. I don't know how JaneStreet managed to get something comparable to Lazy
, but I suspect it requires some low-level magic (with Obj
), same as Lazy